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Cleaner Air Campaign Demands
SOMCAN is advocating for policy solutions that will improve indoor air quality for low-income residents in San Francisco. Click here to learn about our main demands.
How Does Pollution Affect Your Neighborhood?
Share this postcard with your neighbors, friends, and family so they can learn about how pollution affects the neighborhood they live in!
Mapping Environmental Injustice
Check out our maps to see how air pollution impacts low-income communities in San Francisco!
Fill Out a Campaign Postcard!
You can support our campaign by filling out a postcard here. Postcards are available in English, Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese.
“Cleaner Air in Our Homes” Campaign Infographic
Share this infographic with your neighbors, friends, and family so they can join us in our campaign!
What is Article 38? Why Do We Want to Change It?
Learn about SOMCAN’s proposed policy solutions to improve air quality in San Francisco!
Urban Air Pollution Impacts on Health, Wellness, & Safety
This report examines the health impacts of air quality and traffic congestion in the South of Market neighborhood, including SOMCAN’s recommendation of transformative and equity-minded strategies to improve public health and safety.
Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (COPA)
Authored by Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer in close collaboration with local housing rights groups, COPA gives nonprofits the right of first offer to buy a building when it enters the real estate market, and the opportunity to match the final offer before a sale is completed.
Preserving the Gran Oriente Hotel as a Community Resource
SOMCAN is fighting to preserve the first-ever building owned by a Filipino organization in North America, the Gran Oriente Filipino Hotel, in South Park as a community resource.
Fight for Fifteen - San Francisco Living Wage
In November 2014, the City and County of San Francisco voted in favor of a ballot initiative to raise the San Francisco minium wage to $15/hour, the highest wage for any city in the country.
Eviction Protections 2.0 (2015)
On November 9 2015, new tenant protection laws called "Eviction Protections 2.0 came into effect in the City and County of San Francisco following a City-wide campaign, which included advocacy from SOMCAN as part of the Anti-Displacement Coalition, along with other groups.
SOMA Pilipinas-Filipino Cultural Heritage District (2008-2016)
On April 22, 2016 the Board of Supervisors voted to establish SoMa (South of Market) Pilipinas, the first Filipino Cultural Heritage District resolution in San Francisco.
Pedestrian & Night Safety
The South of Market is a neighborhood full of children and seniors, but to many it is the thoroughfare to the freeway. For this reason, many cars zip through the streets, not seeing the density of families accessing their neighborhood services and homes. SoMa streets are also among the longest in the City, leaving few safe crossings for pedestrians.
Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project
Gaining ideas from SoMa residents, SOMCAN strives to improve safety within the vicinity, making biking/walking more comfortable and enjoyable for residents, preparing for cultural growth, and preserving the neighborhood.
No Fare Increase!
Through our collective efforts, 400,000+ Muni riders did not received fare increase under SOMCAN's Citywide Transit Justice: "No Fare Increase" campaign.