Program Resources
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Clean Air is Fair!
Two of our Cleaner Air Campaign leaders, Marti Dulalas and Teresa Dulalas, want you to know why we should care about air pollution!
Poor Air Quality and Noise Pollution in SOMA
Let's listen to Stephanie talk about how poor air quality and noise pollution impact the local community in SOMA!
How Freeways Impact the SOMA Community!
Let's listen to Ray talk about how freeways impact the local community in SOMA!
Air Pollution in SOMA and the Bayview
Let's listen to Oswaldo compare the impacts of air pollution in SOMA and Bayview Hunters Point!
How Air Pollution Impacts Your Health!
Did you know that California has 7 of the 10 worst cities for air pollution in the country? Air pollution from traffic can negatively impact your health, leading to long-term health conditions like asthma, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer!
How Traffic Impacts Your Daily Life!
Listen to Michael talk about how traffic congestion affects his everyday commute in SF!
Salo-Salo (Eating Together) Cookbook
This cookbook project is a compilation of some of the Filipino recipes we have featured throughout the years of the health program-- FIlipino classics, but transformed and still connected with our traditions!
Salo-Salo Project
Under SOMCAN’s Our Health, Our Community (Kalusugan ng Bayan) program, we are launching our pilot project called, Salo-Salo (“Eating Together!”) , a collaborative partnership project with Filipino farmers from Central Valley, CA .
This chronic health condition has been impacting many Filipino communities across the nation and is typically a health condition connected with heart disease or diabetes. We made this OVERWEIGHT/OBESITY health education video that explains the basic information about hypertension and its appropriate prevention methods!
We developed a HYPERTENSION health education video that explains the basic information about hypertension and resources available in the community.
Cardiovascular Disease
We developed a CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE health education video that explains the basic information about heart disease and its appropriate prevention methods.
How does Senate Bill NO.93 Help Workers?
Workers who were laid off due to pandemic just won the right to be first-rehired…
SOMCAN Batch 2021 Community Health Ambassadors Video Promotions
SOMCAN’s 2021 Health Ambassadors shared their perspectives of how health means to them personally and their simple strategies in maintaining their healthy lifestyles.
Are You Back at Work? Know Your Rights!
Use this checklist to know your rights! You have rights at work regardless of your immigration status, the size of your company, or whether you work part-time or are paid in cash.
Our Health, Our Community: Community Needs Assessment Report
A community health assessment report titled “Our Health, Our Community: A Closer Look at Chronic Disease Among Filipinos in San Francisco” was conducted by SOMCAN in July 2020.
S/Heroes In Our Windows II
Mel Vera Cruz’s mixed media stencil mural will feature 35 s/heroes that have impacted the Filipino community as organizers, veterans, seniors, mothers, workers, farmers, professionals, and residents.
Still Need to Apply for Covid-19 Rental Assistance?
The Code Enforcement and Outreach Program (CEOP) at the Tenderloin Housing Clinic assists Tenderloin and SOMA residents in preparing application documents.
Update on Evection Protection
State law continues to provide special protections for renters, and the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program is still available.